Freedom to live Your life & enjoy Your life!


“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”

~ Jesus ‭‭(John‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

To be honest, I must give my immediate younger sister credit, she is one vessel God used in teaching me to enjoy my life. I remember telling her early on this year that I look back at my past sad because I didn’t enjoy my life. She replied, “Leave that, what about now? Are you enjoying your life?”

I honestly didn’t know how to, up till now, when I am asked, “What can make you happy? What can you do or what can I do to make you happy?” It takes me a while to figure something out. God has pushed me more to do things that give me joy, things that I would shove off like its not important. He nudges me to do them; like watching a movie, sleeping, talking to a friend, buying parfait, going out, treating myself, dancing, stop working when I am tired and enjoying the present moment. I am still learning, still figuring things out and more importantly, I am learning to rest.

However, what I want to share with you on enjoying your life has to do with truly living. As I wrote, the Fatherhood of God came to mind, in our anchor scripture above, Jesus shows us His purpose- to give us a rich & satisfying life- some translations say an abundant life, a life that is full and overflowing.

I need you to examine your life, do an introspection as to if you are enjoying it or enduring it? Sincerely ask yourself what is limiting you? What is making you unhappy, sad, anxious and everything that is stopping you from living a full life; then take them to the Lord in prayer. Meditate on John 10 and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the limitations, ask Him to teach you and reveal to you. He will and when He does, start implementing quickly.

Below are a few things that would help:

1. God is Abba, meaning Source & Sustainer

Sometimes we think it’s about the big things or money, yes money is important, but you have a Father. When I was in university, I lived in constant lack and later introspection made me realize it wasn’t because of money, it wasn’t that God couldn’t provide if I asked, it was that I limited myself with a victim mentality, I pushed everything to the future, when I saw people around me enjoy stuff, I went for the barest minimum with the excuse that I don’t have and one day I will. As much as seasons differ and not everyone comes from a comfortable or wealthy background, you don’t have to constantly live in lack. I can tell you this now because I am not there anymore and its not an increase in finance as much as it is- God provides for His Own and He does that very well!

Sometimes my mum complains of how extra she thinks my sis and I are, I mostly reply, “My Father is not poor.” This doesn’t mean I am not prudent, or I have everything I need and want, lol, I don’t at all. Many times, its in the little things; like walking down the street and getting some small chops, suya or a cool healthy drink (in everything, make sure what you take in is healthy), watching a good movie, cooking a rich (healthy + delicious) meal and eating it with joy because your Daddy is good.

Every need you have, take to the Lord, if you take your needs to man, there would be limits, but with God- there is no limit. God would not just provide for you; as you follow Him daily, He will teach you & open doors to build wealth, however, He wants to be your ultimate source. 

God is your source, not your job, your skill, your business etc, when you start seeing God as your source, it takes a lot of pressure off you; you would job hunt patiently, build your business, skill etc patiently because you know- when you don’t have, your Father has, you don’t have to settle for the bare minimum, you can take your time and build because God is your source, you can also request for above and beyond because He is your all in all!


2. Live Your Life

In March of this year, I was angry. I was angry at people, I was angry at myself. I wanted to live my life, I was tired of everyone else telling me what to do, making assumptions about me and just the many stuff I could discern and see.

One Sunday morning, I was preparing to preach in church when I paused my study and said, “Lord, I am angry.” He replied to me gently, “Why are you angry? What does your anger tell you?” I felt my anger was pride but He showed me it was humility, it was me crying out for my own river to flow, for my own life to be lived. That day and the following days, I made up my mind- I would live my life. Whether anyone (be you who) likes it or not, Purelight would live and love her life.

It was the beginning of so much transformation, the truth is I had some mourning to do, I cried and I walked through the anger, hurt, demean and regret I felt. God told me something profound; “It’s been happening because you allowed it, now you’ve stopped allowing it, it won’t happen anymore.” Months later, I can say it’s true. Oftentimes I get tempted and I remind myself of His truth. If Jesus calls me home today, I want to stand before Him with boldness, I don’t want to tell Him I couldn’t enjoy the abundant life He died for because xyz, xyc and xzi pressured me into something else.
I am accountable to God, it doesn’t mean I don’t listen to people and harken to counsel, no, it means that I test everything with His Word, Spirit and Peace.

I'm not all about what people say, I'm all about being me and this authenticity is essential and powerful.

3. Enjoy your life by being His Disciple

If you’ve read every chapter of Freedom 25, down to this point, you would see the thread and theme, applying them would bring you to this point- the entire goal of the series: to teach you to Live Your Life freely and fully and this differs for everyone and different seasons.

However, I want you to know: you can enjoy your life now, and it starts with finding the love of Jesus. It starts with knowing God and knowing how much He loves you. Then choosing peace and joy, you have to do away with comparison, show off, people’s opinion and really embrace who you are in Jesus. You need to embrace who Christ says you are and what He wants you to do in each season. Goals are good, but did Jesus give you those goals? Did He tell you to achieve them now? 

Sometimes, God wants you to just sleep, eat, sleep, pray, and repeat. Sometimes He wants you to just focus on one thing; you live in a world filled with people achieving stuff but your Father whispers “Rest beloved. You are good!” At the end of the day, God doesn’t judge us by how much money we make, books we publish, songs we write, companies we build etc. But how we loved and obeyed Him.

Ruach (Holy Spirit) told me something really profound recently, “You would have peace when you learn to walk in step with Me.” It is not always go-getter, sometimes it’s still water, and other times it’s just sleeping! I don’t know why I keep saying sleep but learn to sleep. Stop overdoing things, over-working, over-planning & over-achieving. Imagine standing before Jesus and He shows you that thing you spent several hours and weeks on wasn’t an instruction from Him at all or in that season? Won’t you rather that you slept and watched a good movie? Talked and laughed with a friend, read the Bible, and had sweet conversations with sweet Holy Spirit?

The Lord wants to speak to you and give you speed in the right direction but you can’t really hear Him in chaos. Enjoying your life is a decision to choose peace, to rely on your heavenly Daddy. To spend time knowing Him, to wait on Him, to do only His Will.

It’s literally being a disciple, a follower, a learner of Jesus. Being your Daddy’s child, you don’t know it all so He leads and you follow. Starting today, choose to live your life boldly, freely and fully!

I can assure you that your full life lies in you being a faithful disciple of Jesus- read His Word, befriend His Holy Spirit, talk with Him, pray, listen, follow and obey.

Just below this paragraph is a video that would help you nourish an intimate relationship with your heavenly Daddy:

          VOTE OF THANKS

The word, ‘Freedom 25’ dropped & kept resonating in my spirit in the month of March towards my birthday on the 11th of April, 2024. I just sensed strongly, the Lord giving me this theme for my silver jubilee.

Through the series, you did see that March was a revolutionary month for me and in April, I knew I would do this series. However, I didn’t work on it till the ending of May when the Lord made it clear that it was time and He wanted me to give His children the Freedom He had given me.

We sat together, studied scripture and prayed. He revealed His Heart, topics and everything that has been Freedom 25. I cried because it seemed difficult and really tasky, also, what would I write? What do I say? The closing of this series shows me again that there is an endless supply of His Living Water inside of me.

Few of you have followed the journey and everything has been documented for the many that would come later. My prayer and His Heart is that all who read would find life, peace and freedom. That you would know Him- the truth and the truth will set you FREE.

So….  Cheers to Freedom 25!

Thank you for being part of the journey, sharing in His Word & my story, now it’s time to implement, read all chapters and really get it so you can execute correctly, don’t let anything or anyone stop you.

Live Your Life Freely and Fully.
You are Loved by the Trinity!

Just for the sake of the last, below is the flier + video trailer and you can long press on ‘Freedom 25’ in the categories below to copy the series link and share with everyone and everywhere you can.

Freedom 25 Trailer

“Then He said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”

~ Jesus (Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭15‬, The ‭NLT‬‬ Bible)
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