Talking with Jesus

Jesus listened closely, showing such kindness in my struggle to express the depth of God’s character. His question had an end goal—I sensed it even before He spoke again. “What do you feel when you think of your Father? What’s the very first thought that comes to mind?” I paused, then replied quietly, “I’m not sure…”

curbing our selfish responses to those in waiting…

We’re quick to label people as envious, but when was the last time you paused to seek God’s heart for the one who envies? When did you last offer a listening ear, a praying heart, and a commitment to stand by them until their miracle comes? It’s safe to say that sometimes, we are more selfish than the person we accuse of envy…

Trust the Spirit

right before I punched my keyboard, Ruach dropped an answer in my heart: “My way is slower. At least to the human perspective. Gradual and seemingly slow.”

I would share a few of the answers I got below and by the time I got to number 2, I was in tears because I just read myself. I was so pressured and so scared, feeling inadequate and trying so hard to change myself when God wanted me to lean in and trust the move of His Spirit and timing.

the gap is in your agreement

For someone reading this, the gap might be in your agreement.
You may have agreed more with your fears, circumstances, insecurities, and the opinions of others than with God, He will not force you to agree with Him. I don’t know what He has been telling you or what has been stirring in your soul

Freedom from idolatry

At the click of your fingers, you can stuff up your flesh and soul with godly things that have no root while denying your spirit the longing and expression it cries for. We have such an abundance of teachers, sermons, songs etc. so we keep filling up our souls with milk and junk thinking it will take us far and that’s why we are so limited.

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