Freedom to live Your life & enjoy Your life!
I need you to examine your life, do an introspection as to if you are enjoying it or enduring it? Sincerely ask yourself what…
I need you to examine your life, do an introspection as to if you are enjoying it or enduring it? Sincerely ask yourself what…
You can cross my boundary the 1st & 2nd time, but best believe that there won’t be a 3rd time.
I have learned that boundaries are a requirement for stability because they bring peace.
The event that broke the camel’s back was when I had a fall out with some friends of mine and after a conversation with one of them, I felt so confused and
One of the most powerful and fascinating things about the Cross is the tearing of the curtain. To break it down, the curtain in the sanctuary created a distinction between the Presence of God in the Holies of Holies and other areas of the temple…
We underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit to lead Daddy’s children rightly by His Word, so we poknose in their lives, trying to control and fit them into what we think they should be.
Be you and let anyone who doesn’t honor that walk away…
For a long time, I didn’t exercise authority over my life, I was a slave to fear of what people felt, thought and said about me; as a result, I couldn’t carry fully the mandate of God over my life, I had so much inner struggles, doubt, and criticisms.
At the click of your fingers, you can stuff up your flesh and soul with godly things that have no root while denying your spirit the longing and expression it cries for. We have such an abundance of teachers, sermons, songs etc. so we keep filling up our souls with milk and junk thinking it will take us far and that’s why we are so limited.
Many times, I looked at my life and the trauma were just too much, too complex, too deep and too painful; you cannot guide yourself through such a well of emotions, mental and sometimes physical plus spiritual damage, only the Spirit can
Research has it that the phrase, “Do not be afraid” is written 365 times in the Bible and I think it’s really profound as we mostly have 365 days in a year, it’s more like for every day of the year